Tickets are $5-7 for our early lavender bloom season. The gardens are beautiful, with many roses including our spectacular climbing roses, delphiniums, dogwood, mock orange and more!
We start to gradually harvest the rows of lavender in our field in the last week of June or first week of July. This process takes several weeks, as some of our varieties don't ripen until late July. We leave the thousands of lavender plants in our labyrinth to bloom for our honey bees and for photos - they get even more purple than the lavender rows do because we allow the buds to fully open.
During early bloom, our wildflowers, roses, perennials, and flowering shrubs are in bloom. Our lavender is slowly changing from green buds to purple blossoms. We almost didn't want to call it "Early Bloom" because it's still beautiful, but if you're only interested in lavender, you'll want to know that it's not in full bloom yet during this time. Highlights of this time in the gardens include the first and largest flush of rose blooms, the stunningly fragrant white-blossoming mock orange trees, and salvias, hardy geraniums, astrantia and clematis. The gardens in June have a delicate freshness and a colour palette of pinks, whites and purples that is unique to this season. Early bloom is for you if you are interested in plants and the gardens as a whole, if you want a significantly lower price and less people, or if you are planning to come to the farm several times over the season to experience different flowers in bloom (As the gardens look incredibly different from mid-June to the end of our season, this is highly recommended!)
Roses and clematis.
Dogwoods and irises.
The mock orange trees in bloom with the lavender gradually coming into bloom.
Salvias and geraniums.
Waterlilies in the formal pond.
Full-Bloom - until the third or fourth week of July.
How quickly the lavender fades from bright purple to a lovely but more greyish-purple depends on the temperatures we get in July.
During full bloom, our lavender turns fully purple and blossoms for several weeks. We slowly start to harvest our lavender rows around the first week of July, a process which is spread over a few weeks. We leave the thousands of lavender plants in the labyrinth to fully open for our guests and our bees to enjoy. Near the end of July, rivers of vibrant pink echinacea thread through the fading but still purple lavender. The whole garden is alive with butterflies, hummingbirds and bees and glowing with warmer colours.
In the lavender rows.
The labyrinth before the echinacea comes into bloom.
Lavender and echinacea during golden hour.